Merry Christmas Quotes · Merry Christmas Wishes

Merry Christmas in Spanish, Merry Christmas in Italian

Merry Christmas in Spanish

  • Feliz Navidad y que se cumplan tus/sus/vuestros sueños en el próximo año: Happy Christmas and may all your dreams come true in the coming year.
  • Que tengas/tenga/tengáis/tengan una Navidad llena de amor, alegría y salud: I hope you have a Christmas full of love, happiness and good health.
  • En Navidad y el Año Nuevo mucha alegría y felicidad: Joy and happiness for Christmas and the New Year.


  • La bendición de Dios llevando paz en Navidad y para el Año Nuevo: God´s blessings and peace at Christmas and for the New Year.
  • Un montón de diversión en Navidad y próspero Año Nuevo: Lots of fun at Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Que tu/su/vuestra Navidad sea maravillosa, blanca, alegre, tranquila y saludable: I hope that your Christmas is wonderful, white, joyful, peaceful and healthy.
  • Feliz Navidad y muchos momentos felices en el año próximo: Merry Christmas and much happiness for the New Year.
  • Feliz Navidad y mucha felicidad para el Año Nuevo
    Espero que tengas una Navidad llena de amor, felicidad y buena salud
    Mucha diversión en Navidad y un próspero Año Nuevo : Merry Christmas and much happiness for the New Year I hope you have a Christmas full of love, happiness and good health
    Lots of fun at Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
  • Feliz Año Nuevo
    Te/le/os/les deseamos…
    Mis mejores deseos para la Navidad y el Año Nuevo
    Felices Fiestas.

Merry Christmas in Italian

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

You could also write:

Buone Feste
Happy Celebrations

Or, if you are more ambitious, you could say:

Ti auguro – I wish you [to one person]
Vi auguro – I wish you [to more than one person]

Ti auguriamo – We wish you [to one person]
Vi auguriamo – We wish you [to more than one person]


un Natale pieno di amore, pace e felicità
a Christmas filled with love, peace and happiness

and you could add

e un felice Anno Nuovo
and a Happy New Year.

You could also add,

Con i migliori auguri
With best wishes

Un abbraccio
An embrace [the equivalent of saying “love”].

It is not necessary to write “da” – “from” but you can if you prefer.

Here is some more Christmas vocabulary that may be useful:

La Vigilia – Christmas Eve
Natale – Christmas

Santo Stefano – Boxing Day
San Silvestro – New Year’s Eve
Il Capodanno – New Year’s Day [but also used to refer to the New Year’s Eve festivities, which, of course, last into New Year’s Day!]
Epifania – Epiphany, the 6th January. [The word “befana”, for the good witch who arrives on this day, is, in fact, a corruption of “Epifania”.]

For More Wishes in Italian and Spanish – Merry Christmas in Spanish

Merry Christmas in Italian

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